TPC Kids
TPC Kids encompasses Nursery up to 5th grade. Our goal is that every child would experience salvation by repenting, being baptized in Jesus’ Name, and receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost. We want every child to be taught how to apply God’s Word, pray God’s Word, and teach God’s Word to others.
Every weekend we journey through great Biblical truths in an age-relevant way for kids of all ages. We emphasize worship, prayer, and interactive learning. We want to provide a safe & secure environment for your kids to flourish as they learn more about God. All of our volunteers at TPC Kids wear TPC Kids Volunteer t-shirts and are background-checked to be sure that every child is in the best of hands. Additionally, we have a campus-wide Safety Team on staff during every service.

Gather Students
Gather Students is a ministry for any young person in 6th to 12th grade. Our goal is to challenge every student to follow Jesus and fearlessly change their world. In our ministry, students from every walk of life will have fun, find friends, and meet great leaders during our weekly services. On Wednesday nights, we meet upstairs in the Gather Students sanctuary for worship & community.
Hyphen is a gathering of young adults from 18-30 with a desire to go deeper in God’s Word and make an impact in the southwest Louisiana community. Hyphen holds a Bible Study every Thursday at 6pm. We also host different connection events throughout the month.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Christian Based 12-step program that helps heal the hurts, habits, and hang-ups of chemical dependency, alcoholism, family dysfunction, co-dependency, physical/emotional/sexual abuse, relationship addiction, sexual addiction, eating disorders, and compulsive behaviors. Meetings take place at 7pm every Friday night upstairs in the Alliance Youth sanctuary. We also have activities for kids of all ages during this time.